"Where ere thou art, Act well thy part"

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

July 4, 2016

Well hello again, everybody! This past week has been pretty crazy! But also pretty good! We have seen some real successes this week! 

Monday - Monday was P-Day! We did some cleaning and emailing and stuff, and then we did some mini golf and taught a lesson! It was pretty great! I am sad to day that I lost in mini golf by 2 since I nailed the water hazard trying to do a trick shot and I lost my lead! But it is all good! It was in good spirits! Our lesson was with a part member family, and it went really well. The Dad doesn't want to become accountable by learning too much, so.... we work with that, but the appointment was solid! Her kids really want to come out to youth activities, so we organized that with them! Then we went to FHE! And we won the quiz again! Woo! We dominated it! I nailed all of the Our Religion questions, which is good since religion is all that I do! Haha! But it was a great day!

Tuesday - Tuesday we had District Meeting, and that was really good! It was a joint DM with the other Districts that meet in the Holywood building, so there were 3 districts in this meeting. It was also Elder Allred's and a few other missionaries last District Meeting, so that is why we did the joint meeting. After the meeting, we traveled back to Coleraine and helped the Douglas' take down their dog kennel since they are moving soon! So that was pretty fun! Our train was delayed quite a bit from Belfast, so we had a long day, but it was awesome!

Wednesday - Wednesday was pretty crazy too! We had to go BACK to Belfast early in the morning for Zone Leadership Council, so that was intense, but the Stake President bought all of us McDonalds, so that made up for the getting up early and skipping breakfast part! Haha! It was awesome! The meeting went well, the mission is now focusing on the Book of Mormon and member work in all of our missionary efforts, and we have already seen great returns from this practice! So after that, we headed back to Coleraine, AGAIN. But this time we taught a lesson to an 8 year old named Jack. Jack loves everything video games and he has a bit of ADHD, but he is really cool. The only thing about Jack is that he is scared of water, so that will be interesting to work with. But he will get there. After Jack we taught James. And that was super solid. James has now agreed to live every commandment from the Commandments lesson, and he is fasting about Joseph Smith and the 16 of July for baptism, so that is awesome! James is da boss! After that, we did some finding, and then headed home!

Thursday - We headed up and went to visit Alwyn. That was a pretty good lesson. We talk some conspiracy theories for a few minutes, and then we taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ with some Bible videos. If you haven't seen the Bible videos, watch em. They are great! After that, we headed back to town and did some finding and then we had a dinner appointment with Sister Dunn. It was amazing! She makes the best food! Honey mustard chicken! It was the best! We also then taught a wee lesson with the John Tanner story! It was really good! Then we headed home for the night.

Friday - Friday we taught Trevor, and that was really great! We brought a joint teach this time, so Trevor was able to meet someone from the Branch. So that was good. Then we went and visited Norman, and it was a pretty good visit. After that, we went over to John Donaghy's house for dinner! It was really good. He had the Wimbledon on when we walked in, so we saw a few minutes of tennis. Then we had a dang good roast dinner! That was Friday!

Saturday - Saturday we had a District Blitz in Coleraine! It was pretty awesome! We had 6 missionaries in the town centre all day! Elder Richards and I also went to help the Pattersons with their sheep again that morning! It was pretty awesome! It was also raining pretty good, so that was great! And then we had the Blitz! I took Elder Furko, and we taught a new investigator lesson right after we found the guy in the street! So that was awesome! We finished off the night with some kebabs, and then headed to bed.

Sunday - Sunday was great! James came to church! It was awesome! He said he really enjoyed it and is looking forward to next week! So that was a bonus! We also went to visit one of the members in the hospital, and that was pretty fun too! After that, we headed home and did weekly planning, and then we got our moves call! Elder Richards and I are staying together! We are serving 3 transfers with eachother! Holy Cow! It is gonna be fun! The Mickelsen/Richards Big Three! And that was Sunday!

Well, that was the week! Pretty exciting! Things are going well here! We look forward to the next transfer as a transfer of miracles!!!

Love you all!

-Till the Work is Done
-Elder Mickelsen

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