"Where ere thou art, Act well thy part"

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 9, 2016

This week has been nuts! Hard to believe it ended in Mother's Day and a Skype call home! It was really awesome! This email might be a bit shorter due to that, but the week was still good!

MONDAY- we did the P-day things.  Then we had Family Home Evening and 'I' came! So that was awesome! Then after FHE, we returned back to our quarters for the evening.

TUESDAY- We left to Belfast, (which is a 2 hour trip) to make it to District Meeting.  It was a really good meeting.  Our District is small, only 4 Elders usually.  Technically there are 3 teams but one team is the Zone Leaders so they are hardly ever there.  So just the 4 of us Elders have a gospel conversation and it is great!  After District Meeting, we went to Boojums.  That is the new tradition.  It is so good! Then we headed home and did some finding to finish off the day.

WEDNESDAY- We did some finding all day and then we went to go see a less active named 'P'.  He is a good guy and he really liked the lesson.  So that was Wednesday, nothing much else to report.

THURSDAY- We had a weekly planning and then we went and hunted down some addresses in our area book.  We have a huge list of names, addresses and numbers that we carry around.  We call it our 'Spiritual Hit List'. So we did some of that for the rest of the day and then we went and taught 'J'.  He is doing good.  We shared a wee spiritual thought and then we just talk with him to take his mind off things. 

Afterwards, we went and taught Book of Mormon class and we started off with the Book of Jacob.  It was pretty good.  I really enjoy Book of Mormon class.

FRIDAY- We did some tryby's and then we went over and taught 'N'.  He is doing great, as well.  When we went over, he was just outside enjoying the sunshine in his backyard.  It has been really nice here lately! In fact, today it is supposed to get up to 70! Woo!! And no rain!! Anyway, after 'N', we went to a fundraiser that 'I' was doing for her church and they were playing hymns and stuff in a band and then they had some bagpipe playing.  It was pretty legit!

SATURDAY- We tried a new tactic.  Elder Richards went soapboxing while I was GQing around him.  It was pretty good.  It was kinda rainy so people were in a hurry, but it was a fun morning nonetheless.  After soapboxing, we taught 'I' about the basic foundations of the church and she said we answered some of her questions, so we are making progress there.  Then we did some tryby's and then we went down to Belfast to spend the night so we could be on time to Stake Conference on Sunday morning.

SUNDAY- was awesome! I got to see a lot of the members from Lisburn as well as be spiritually uplifted by the speakers and the messages.  It was a really good meeting.  We have some really good leaders up here in the Belfast Stake! After church, we caught a train home and then we went over to President Culbertson's house to Skype home for Mother's Day!! And I enjoyed that very much! It was really awesome! 

Well, that is all for this week! The Lord will bless the diligent and faithful! We must be patient in our trials because God is making us into who we need to become! 

Love you all!

Till the Work is Done

-Elder Mickelsen

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