"Where ere thou art, Act well thy part"

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 20, 2017

This week flew by super fast!!! I can't even believe it! I think I say that every week, it's true. Every week on my way home from church I think, "I feel like I just walked out of Church yesterday." It is a weird feeling for sure. But the highlight of the week was definitely having our interviews with President Donaldson. It was really good.

They are doing interviews differently now, so we go into Glasgow for our interviews and it doesn't take place during a zone conference. We aren't even doing zone conferences anymore. It will just be All-Scotland and All-Ireland conferences from now on. SO that is really cool! But the interview was really good! President Donaldson talks to you about your spiritual wellbeing and your investigators, and Sister Donaldson asks you if you are eating healthy and if you are mentally healthy. Haha! Just like real parents! President Donaldson is a great leader for us!

But anyway, this is my spiritual thought for this week. It is my hands down, all time, favorite hymn. It is #72, Praise to the Lord, The Almighty. It goes like this,

Praise to the Lord, The Almighty

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is thy health and salvation!
Join the great throng,
Psaltery, organ and song,
Sounding in glad adoration!

Praise to the Lord! Over all things he gloriously reigneth.
Borne as on eagle wings, safely his Saints he sustaineth.
Hast thou not seen
How all thou needest hath been
Granted in what he ordaineth?

Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy way and defend thee.
Surely his goodness and mercy shall ever attend thee.
Ponder anew
What the Almighty can do,
Who with his love doth befriend thee.

Praise to the Lord! Oh, let all that is in me adore him!
All that hath breath, join with Abraham's seed to adore him!
Let the "amen"
Sum all our praises again,
Now as we worship before him.

Love you all!


Till the Work is Done

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