"Where ere thou art, Act well thy part"

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 13, 2017

Well, this week was crazy fast as well! Elder Sheppard and I have been all over the place going by former investigators and doing some finding. We didn't get a chance to meet with our investigators this week, but that was all right. Things are starting to get busy around here again and sometimes you got to just work with it.

But I would like to share a principle that I learned from yesterday's Sunday School lesson. And it is this: We should constantly be cultivating an attitude of happiness and optimism. I really enjoyed yesterday's lesson on looking on the bright side of things, because that is something that I always try to do. And I really liked the scripture that was in the manual in Proverbs 17:22 and it says this:

22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

I think this scripture is so true in all aspects of life. If we are happy, then it heals us, but if we are sad, then we will just be constantly wounding ourselves. I always like to think of a comparison I heard in Sacrament meeting a bit ago. Are we radiators? Helping others and trying to cheer people up and looking on the bright side always? Or are we drains? Only looking to rob others of their happiness. Maybe not on purpose, but President Monson said this, "The only thing more contagious than enthusiasm, is the lack thereof."

I hope we can all try to be radiators and warm the world!
I love you all!

Till the Work is Done

- Elder Mickelsen

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